Tuesday 10 April 2007

Meet me in the Middle

I would love to stand at the peak of Mount Everest, but I have no desire to do the climbing.

Put me in a plane and drop me off at the top. I’ll stab the icy ground with my flag pole and declare shameless victory. I’ll raise my arms in the air, do some fancy foot work, and soak in the amazing beauty that very few have seen. Some may call it cheating, but I call it avoiding avalanches, falling rocks, frostbite and lack of oxygen.

To some people the dream is the process. It’s gathering all your climbing gear. It’s the training and the focus. It’s the expectation of surviving with the chance of death. It’s the sweat, strategy and teamwork. It’s inhaling the freezing air and being warmed up by the adrenaline. It’s overcoming fear and the feeling of triumph. It’s pushing yourself to the limit and then pushing it even farther. It’s the experience of it all.

I don’t camp, much less climb mountains. I would rather be forced at gunpoint to listen to eight hours of rap music than sleep outside in a tent. And I really hate rap music. Sure, I’ll show up for the campfire and s’mores. I’ll even hold your hand and sing Kumbaya. But when it comes to nite-nite time, I’m headed either back home or the nearest hotel. Be sure to call me in the morning when you’re fixing breakfast over an open flame. But once you break out the hiking boots, backpacks, and ropes, I’m gone again.

All of this to say, every one of us has a different dream. Some of us just have larger dreams than others. While one strives to reach a mountain peak, another might desire to tackle the smaller hills. One might want to buy a Lamborghini and another to finally pay off the Pinto they bought five years ago. One person might dream of packing up and moving their life to Europe, while another might yearn for the security and stability of a family and home.

I say whatever makes you feel alive… do it.

However, my advice is to always take a keen sense of observation and level headedness. Problems follow us no matter where we are. Whether we wave our freedom flag on that mountain or choose the stability of the solid ground, if we don’t see things for their truth they will always have us in a suffocating headlock. They don’t disappear just because we’ve changed the scenery.

And yes, I’m talking about something that I have a hard time doing as well.

I have dreams. They may not be as big as yours, but they’re still dreams. They’re not financial or material. I don’t have any political aspirations. I have no desire to be a spokesperson for any particular movement and I don’t have any goals to be a CEO (pappa ;))). I might ride in your pretty Lamborghini and may even think you’re cool for having it, but I’m not going to save my pennies to buy one.

Even though I’ve been told my emotions and thoughts are complex, I live a simple life.

I want a simple life. I do best with structure. The more structured my life, the more fun I’ve had jet setting to France, Thailand or even a road trip to Tunica. I can fly by the seat of my pants as long as I know that I’ll eventually come home. That I have a home.

I’m going skydiving soon and I would have never thought of it if my friend hadn’t mentioned she was going. Although we’re waiting for her hectic schedule to let up, I look forward to the freedom and open air while strapped to someone who has already done it a few thousand times. I didn’t even know that skydiving was a dream of mine. It kinda just happened. That’s the way most things happen in my life. I don’t know that I want something until it’s presented to me.

I’ve only had one job interview in my life. And that was almost some years ago. Every job I’ve had before and since has just fallen in my lap. I’ve left jobs for better offers. I’ve turned down jobs. I’ve wished for a new job and it’s somehow found me. I’ve never been without an income. I think this is a true representation of how I live my life. I sometimes don’t know that I need or want something until it’s in front of my face.

I wish my dreams were more concrete.

I wish I had a list that I can check off. As much as I would love to stomp grapes with my bare feet at some winery in France, I’ll go if the opportunity presents itself. I’m not booking my flight just yet. But if you want to go, call me. Seriously.

If I had to pick one dream, it would be love and acceptance. That’s no shocker, I know. I realize that sometimes my own fear jeopardizes that opportunity. But sometimes I feel like it will happen similar to the way my career path has. I mean, I didn’t have to suffer through climbing Mount Everest to find friends… why would I to find a guy?

I’ve done some amazing and crazy things in my life and I have no regrets. And the things that I didn’t take a bold chance on have turned out for the best. The only two things I ask for out of life are loyalty and understanding. Two things that I hopefully have proven myself of having time and time again.

And if my “big dream” in life is love and acceptance, then this is what I expect out of those closest to me. I will give it back ten fold. Promise. There are no one-way streets in my dream.

No big, tall, icy mountains to overcome. No smoke and mirrors hiding a truer meaning.

Like I said before, whatever makes you feel alive... do it.

Just look both ways before you cross the street. Don’t run with scissors. Wear clean underwear. But above all, while floating down this river of life, don’t forget those who love and accept you… no matter what.

Monday 12 March 2007

Orgasm types...

Just wanted to share this funny mail I received from a friend of mine..

Sex in a boat = Oargasms,
Sex with a nerd = Dorkgasms,
Sex at the entrance to your house = Doorgasms,
Sex on the carpet or linoleum = Floorgasms,
Sex at the supermarket = Storegasms,
Sex with wild pigs = Boargasms,
Sex at a Stephen King movie = Horrorgasms,
Sex with a prostitute = Whoregasms,
Sex with a storyteller = Loregasms,
Sex with an accountant = Boregasms,
Sex while sleeping = Snoregasms,
Sex with Arthur = Dudley Mooregasms ,
Sex while broke = Poorgasms,
Sex with a lion = Roargasms,
Sex for hours and hours on end = Soregasms,
Sex on a golf course = Foregasms,
Sex with a nymphomaniac = Ready for Moregasms,
Sex in a gold mine = Oregasms,
Sex with a dermatologist = Poregasms,
Sex with the ex-vice president = Al Goregasms,
Sex with chocolate marshmallows = S'moregasms,
Sex with a bullfighter = Toreadorgasms,
Sex with a masked man carrying a sword = Zorogasms,
Sex on the beach = Shoregasms,
Sex when you get an award = Honogasms,
Sex at an all you can eat buffet = Smorgasbordgasms,
Sex on a cruise ship deck = Shuffleboardgasms,
Sex in Asia = Singaporegasms,
Sex among the wonders of the world = Outdoorgasms,
Sex in the vicinity of garbage can = Odorgasms,
Sex on the way to the train = All aboardgasms,
Sex that isn't very satisfying = there's the doorgasms,
Sex during hay fever season = Sporegasms,
Sex with a Medieval poet = Troubadorgasms,
Sex in an adult theatre = Hardcoregasms,
Sex with conquering Spaniards = Conquistadorgasms,
Sex with someone not paying attention = Ignorgasms,
Sex with a competitive partner = Scoregasms,
Sex in a firehouse = Firedoorgasms,
Sex with an Icelandic singer = Bjorkgasms,
Sex with a cookie = Oreogasms,
Sex while flying = Soargasms,
Sex with a bugle player = Horngasms,
Sex with an astronaut who didn't make it into space = Abortgasms,
Sex with a beloved partner = Adoregasms,
Sex with a meat eater = Carnivoregasms,
Sex with a person who's got a really bad hairdo = Pompadoregasms,
Sex with someone who has really bad taste in clothes = Velourgasms,
Sex while sightseeing = Tourgasms,
Sex with a big dog = Labradorgasms,
Sex with Beavis and Butthead = Gonnascoregasms,
Sex during an earthquake = Tremorgasms,
Sex on farm implements = Tractorgasms,
Sex with Thomas Edison = Inventorgasms
Sex with a construction worker = Contractorgasms,
Sex at a symphony orchestra = Conductorgasms,
Sex on the stairs at the mall = Escalatorgasms,
Sex while hopelessly drunk on shooters = Liquorgasms,
Sex with a possessive partner = Yourgasms,
Sex with Frankenstein's assistant = Igorgasms,
Sex with three of your friends = Fourgasms,
Sex with a Norse God = Thorgasms,
Sex without a climax = Nogasms.

Gosh! So many gasm's in one spot.

Sunday 25 February 2007

I guess "nothing" really means "a lot"

I have nothing to write about.

Really. I have been banging my head all week trying to think of some cool topic that moves me enough to put into words. Notta. A couple of times an idea would pop into my head and then suddenly I’m bored with it and shrug it off. So, I have no idea where this blog is headed. 

And that might be scary.

Here’s the thing: I’ve entered into this weird-makes-no-sense “I don’t care about anything” phase and it’s about to drive me insane. I strongly believe that it is a direct result of being sugar-free for almost three weeks. No joke. It has been H.E.L.L. To my knowledge, not one ounce of sugar has entered my system since I inhaled that most beautiful Snickers Bar sitting in moms car in the airport parking lot on Thursday, January 23 at approximately 8:30pm. And not the small Snickers. The big ass one.  

Chocolate. I miss it.

As I sit here typing, I can actually taste that now-long-gone scrumdiliumptious chocolate melting in my mouth.

I went to a birthday party last week and there was homemade chocolate cake. You have NO idea how much control it took me to NOT just lick that yummy chocolate icing off the top and sides of the cake, slowly and seductively, from one side to the other, back and forth, until it was all gone. <sigh> I didn’t because I didn’t want to be a failure in my quest… and NOT because it would have truly disgusted the whole entire party.

I thought I had the most marvelous idea the other day by buying some sugar/fat free chocolate pudding. Never again. I sat on my couch and ate the whole entire freaking bowl. Consuming small portions of chocolate is something that is foreign to me. If you and I were stuck on an island and the only thing we had to eat was a box of anything chocolate... well, let me just apologize in advance. I don’t fight pretty. 

I’m even afraid to light my fudge scented candle. It might just push me over that scared-she-might-kill-people ledge. Don’t worry. I don’t own a gun. Yet.

But back to the whole “I don’t care about anything” phase that I’m going through…

I’m not sure what the deal is exactly. I just don’t care. And that bothers me. I can’t tell you how many obstacles I’ve had to run around, through or avoid these past couple of weeks. Now that I think about it, I wonder if this new phase came about after I royally screwed up at work. And I mean royally. I have a wonderful boss who graciously didn’t fault me, but he and I both know that I’m the one who screwed up. There was nothing I could do but stand there and watch the train wreck happen. God, I felt bad. Horrible. All I could do was sincerely apologize and then move on. But… apparently I didn’t?

Maybe I’m punishing myself? I love my job and have a huge sense of loyalty. And to screw up that badly just crushes me. I found a huge problem today where someone (don’t know who) accidentally messed up a whole bunch of my files on the network. And we’re talking a couple of hundred here. I now am in the process of fixing them each – one by one. A co-worker has been kind enough to lend a hand. 

I tell this story for this reason: I didn’t get mad. I didn’t yell. I didn’t accuse particular employees of sabotaging my files. Normally this would have just sent my blood pressure sky high. However, today? I just didn’t care. It’s not like I handled it in a “mature manner”… I just didn’t care. I said, “well that sure does suck” and then proceeded to waste the entire afternoon fixing it.

What’s wrong with this picture? Sheesh. Someone do something QUICK to piss me off! Maybe it’ll snap me out of it.

I’m just so fed up with so many things right now that instead of going postal, I’m doing the opposite. Maybe I’ve entered some sort of crazy self protection mode. A modern day twilight zone. I can hear Rod Serling now…

“Peacer, you're traveling through another dimension -- a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land where there is no place for logical thinking. Where you willingly place your desires and emotions on hold. You've just crossed over into... the Twilight Zone.” 

I think another issue holding back my emotions is the fact that I’m really worried about my oldest dog, Pepper. She’s 16 and isn’t doing well. I won’t go into her specifics, but it makes me incredibly sad. She’s my baby. My princess. My most loyal companion for nearly all of her sweet little Chow life. She has been my protector and confidant. Over the years she has given me great boyfriend advice – ok, technically, she’s bitten the ones she didn’t like. She has rapidly gone down hill the past 6 months and it’s tearing me up. It’s too the point that when I come home from work everyday, I stand over her tired, sleeping body on my bedroom floor waiting to see if I can see her breathing. I pray everyday that I am not forced into any decisions regarding her life and I pray that I’m not alone when I find her gone. I know this day – however it unfolds – will happen. And it will happen soon and I am not prepared. You would think that assisting her frail body up and down the front steps or helping her find her way when she blindly runs into walls or making her get up and walk when she’s slept all day, would prepare me… but it doesn’t. It makes me love her even more because she is mine. She belongs to me. Just as I have relied on her protection all these years, she now relies on me to help her find her water bowl. And that is something that I don’t want to go away. Loyalty is what loyalty does.

With all that said, please no one leave comments about what the “right thing to do” is regarding Pepper. I just can’t listen to that right now.  That is one decision I will avoid.

Ok, well now that I’ve unloaded.

At the beginning of this blog, I said I had nothing to write about. Guess I was wrong.

Wednesday 21 February 2007

I Could Be Apathetic, But I Don't Really Care!!!

So I've had no desire to write of late. In point of fact, I've had no desire to do anything. It's actually starting to get a bit worrying, because I really can't get into anything at all. I have a fairly extensive list of hobbies, but I just can't seem to get interested in anything. I love reading, but I've started and given up on about a dozen books. I love movies, but I can't remember the last time I got excited about something, even old favourites. I love playing online games, especially puzzle type or poker, but of late I'm finding I actually turn it off before I solve the puzzle or making wild "all in" bets on a high card 8 because I don't care if I lose. Even reading blogs has lost its spark. Normally I could lose my whole day in front of my computer reading blogs, but I'm just not compelled. It's not you guys, that's for sure. On the odd occasion I have clicked a blog it's been as well written and interesting as I always expect. I just can't seem to be bothered to click the links. I could go on, but it would only bore you.

I looked at my blog today and thought "I can not face not having anything new on this page. I am a writer. It's what I do. For heaven's sake, force yourself to write! You will only break this pattern by forcing yourself to do it!"So I set off looking for a topic. Over the last week I've been reading the "Odd News" which is usually good for something that will get me giggling and set the wheels in motion, but nothing. On the odd occasion I've stumbled across "something that would normally get me "all riled up" I've thought "nah.. It's all been said". It just feels like too much effort to say it again. So I went so far today as to start digging through lists of writing topics. This has actually produced a mildly interesting blog previously, so I thought, maybe... But still nothing sparked my interest.

Finally I thought, "you're so apathetic about everything, apathy is obviously the topic" and set off to look into that.

They say "learn something every day" and what do you know, I did! Here's what Wikipedia has to say about apathy.

Apathy is a psychological term for a state of indifference — where an individual is unresponsive or "indifferent" to aspects of emotional, social, or physical life. Clinical apathy is considered to be at an elevated level, while a moderate level might be considered depression, and an extreme level could be diagnosed as a dissociative disorder. The physical aspect of apathy associated with physical deterioration, muscle loss, and lack of energy is called lethargy — which has many pathological causes as well.

So you see, it's no wonder really. I know very well that I struggle with depression particularly through the winter months. I also know that loss of sensory perception can lead to depression. For the best part of a month I have been fighting a cold which has been robbing me of my senses of smell and taste and culminated last week in a double ear infection which left me with about 90% hearing loss in one ear and about 50% in the other.* So I really shouldn't be surprised to find that I've lost my enthusiasm for just about everything. Actually, I'm not surprised at all. It would take entirely too much energy to be surprised.

Well, to quote Forrest Gump (which seems appropriate, because I'm feeling distinctly like my IQ is somewhere around 75) “That’s all I have to say about that”. Perhaps you've learned something too, and this blog hasn't been a complete waste of cyber-space. As for me, I hope it's at least broken the pattern a little. I'll try to care again tomorrow.Be well!

*Thankfully the antibiotics are starting to work. I got most of my hearing back over the weekend, but I know the infection still isn't gone entirely. I still have 2 days on the course of antibiotics, so fingers crossed I don't have to go back to the doctor again. Getting an appointment there is like trying to get an audience with the pope!

Friday 16 February 2007

Dear Diary

As I routinely laid my day’s jewelry in my small antique bowl, my eyes moved upward noticing the row of books I had placed on the shelf a few years back. Books that range from biographies to Paris travel guides to Robert Frost poetry. Also in that collection are my old journals. Journals that I haven’t written in or read in years.

As a child I was obsessed with blank books. Unfilled journals. I was constantly buying them. I had this idea that one day I would fill them all with words. My words. Words that I would creatively orchestrate into a poem or a personal essay. To me, my written word was proof that I was here. That I existed.

I guess I’m still that way.

All throughout my childhood I often felt invisible. Skipped over. Not worth the effort. Looking back now, that contradicts how my life really was. My parents showed me unbelievable love. I was popular with my friends. I won awards and was fed compliments. But yet I somehow still felt undeserving.

I removed my journals from the shelf, sat on the couch and began thumbing through the pages. Reading my own words written by the younger me. Remembering how I felt as I wrote each entry. Sadness. Anger. Confusion. Not unlike the feelings that motivate the writings of this older me. It’s just more alarming when it comes from the mind of a 13 year old. Somehow when you’re older, being bitter is expected.

I notice some of the entries are quite powerful. After finishing a page, there are no questions left to ask. Feelings are clearly explained. I've discovered that my words were more raw and forthcoming as a child than they are as an adult.

There are also pages full of love and hope. Ideas for my future. Wants, needs, desires. Most of which make me smile since they are totally unrealistic. I wrote confessions of love for some stupid boy and then admitting hurt when the feelings weren’t reciprocated.

I have my grandmother’s diary from the early 1930’s. She mostly wrote about school and washing her hair. She mentioned a few times about being ill and staying in bed. After she died, I selfishly and sentimentally gathered several of her old things – her diary being one of them.

I’ve read through it many times and enjoy her innocence. I love knowing her at that age through her words. However after reading my own childhood journals… I wonder who will possess them after I’m gone. Who will be the one to thumb through my personal thoughts? My words reveal much more than my grandmother ever would have dreamed.

If as a child I viewed my journals as proof that I existed, then I must let them be exactly that. No need to hide how I felt. What I was. What I am.

I suspect this blog is a mere continuation of me proving that I exist.

Wednesday 14 February 2007

Anonymously Mine

These tulips were delivered to me at home today, in the early morning.
The note attached simply said…
“Happy Valentine’s Day”
I’m not quite positive who sent them.
No name on the card.
You know what? It doesn’t matter.
They’re beautiful.
Someone thought about me.
And that’s all that matters.
Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Kinda makes me wanna cry.

Tuesday 13 February 2007

The ABC's and 123's

Things that I love
Including, but not limited to...

  • Chocolate: any type except tootsie rolls.
  • Tivo: couldn't live without it!!
  • Laughing. Hard. The kind that makes your side hurt.
  • When people make a more stupid mistake than me. Obvious reasons.
  • Hugs. Makes me feel loved.
  • Flea Markets: good ones, not the ones that just re-sell rejected merchandise.
  • Being trusted.
  • Receiving cheques in the mail.
  • Spending time with friends. Doing absolutely anything. Or nothing.
  • Clean bed sheets - although I don't like making the bed.
  • Alfred Sung: not much smells better. Every day fragrance.
  • Roller Coasters: love that feeling of thinking I could die.
  • The ocean: mesmerizing. I could stare at it for hours.
  • Text messaging
  • WWW
  • When I screw up and no one finds out.
  • My dogs. They love me unconditionally. I wish people did.
  • Riding on a motorcycle. It's a rush.
  • Dreaming. Nice escape from real life.
  • Toes. Fingers. I'll stop there.
  • Seafood
  • Mexican Food (homemade is SO much better)
  • Pizza
  • Ok, food.
  • Hot Bubble baths
  • Massages. Wish I could get them monthly.
  • Writing. Free therapy.
  • Traveling to places I've never been.
  • New shoes. Love that feeling of wearing cute shoes!
  • Sleeping late.
  • Tattoos. They tell a story.
  • Having deep conversations with people.
  • Watching people in action - doing what they do best. Seeing them in their element.
  • The feeling of belonging.
  • Being understood and accepted anyway.
  • Sleeping in a t-shirt